Nina Prague Guide

Auschwitz Memorial - Poland

This is a very emotional day for all of us. On the way to Auschwitz I will have a lecture about the Holocaust. Most of the Czech Jews were sent to Terezin and later from this “stop on the way to death” they were sent by one of the transports to Auschwitz. Thanks to my Ph. D. degree in the Jewish history I visited many camps - Terezin, Dachau, Treblinka, Mauthausen, Sobibor, Belzec, Auschwitz - so I hope I can say I know a lot about this horrible tragedy of the 20th century. I have been to Wannsee, Warsaw Ghetto and Nuremberg as well.

What is personally for me even more important is the fact that when I become a tour guide in 1998 I was working in one Jewish travel agency where many of my colleagues were the Holocaust survivors. So I had this unique opportunity to listen to them. Unfortunately many of these great people are no longer here, but I can tell you their stories.

The Auschwitz Memorial was created in 1947. During WWII Auschwitz was a complex of the camps, it was the Nazis' largest concentration and extermination camp. It was founded on Himmler's orders on the 27th of April 1940, close to the small Polish town of Oświęcim. Auschwitz became one of the camps used for the mass extermination of Jews. We will start our tour with the visit of Auschwitz II – Birkenau, after that we will visit the Museum in Auschwitz I incl. the brick barracks.

 General informations

The tour takes about 16 hours.
Driving time Prague – Auschwitz approx. 5 hours